Video of Woolwich Terrorist - after butchering British Soldier on London Street

lo matan en plena calle con un machete y el Gobierno dice que se trata de un "ataque terrorista".. claro, claro..

luego se sorprenden cuando algunos malos ciudadanos tienen actitudes de racismo, xenofobia, fascismo, islamofobia, homobofia, y "delito de odio"..

(Breitbart.com) May 22, 2013 - A young British soldier is dead after reportedly being "hacked and chopped" to death by two black Muslim men Wednesday afternoon on a London street. Sky News reports the incident is being treated by government officials as a terrorist attack.

The victim was reportedly wearing a "Help for Heroes" t-shirt. The fatal attack took place in southeast London's Woolrich area, only yards from the Royal Artillery Barracks. Following the brutal act, police arrived and ultimately shot and wounded the two suspects, described by eyewitnesses as two black men in their mid-20s.

Both suspects are currently hospitalized. A number of weapons were retrieved from the scene, including carving knives, a firearm, and a machete.

One eyewitness, identified only as James, told local media:

"They were hacking at this poor guy, literally... They were hacking at him, chopping him, cutting him... They were hacking at him like a piece of meat. These two guys were crazy, they just were not there, they were just animals. They dragged the poor guy--he was obviously dead, there was no way a human could take what they did to him. They dragged him from the pavement and dumped his body in the middle of the road and left his body there."

Another eyewitness, identified only as Laura, believes the victim was targeted because of his pro-military "Help for Heroes" charity shirt, claiming the culprits even asked people to take pictures of them with the body of the dead young man.

Several other eyewitnesses corroborated that claim. Eyewitness James claimed the attackers were behaving almost as if they were waiting for police to arrive and to be shot by police.

Prime Minister David Cameron tweeted: "The killing in #Woolrich is truly shocking -- I have asked the Home Secretary to chair a COBRA meeting." London's mayor, Boris Johnson, also tweeted: "This afternoon's attack in Woolwich is a sickening deluded and unforgivable act of violence. My thoughts are with the victim and his family."

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Los expertos en Seguridad nos recuerdan continuamente que el crimen no tiene color, es decir que no es asunto de razas o etnias. Pero a esos expertos, influidos por la política de izquierdas --- que abandonan por unos momentos la esencia de la Seguridad --- se les olvida algo vital : y es en nombre de quién, mejor dicho : reivindicar algo por otro algo, o en nombre de. De ahí Terrorismo islámico, p. ej.

Dicho lo cual, además, hay otros factores, que influyen en el crimen, y sería muy largo de explicar y nombrar las tesis de otros expertos en varios campos relacionados con el Criminología, y no Criminalística.

Pues el mero hecho de pertenecer a una raza ya identifica un perfil, y ese perfil es habitual en determinadas razas o etnias casi siempre en sucesos de crímenes contra otras personas por el mero hecho de ser de raza blanca. Y eso no se puede ignorar. Hay además estudios científicos ( siempre ) que notan, parece ser, factores innatos en determinadas razas ( sobretodo la de color o raza negra ) con componentes naturales que influyen en acciones criminales, en resumen que las razas de piel oscura pueden ser más violentas o proclives a cometer actos violentos, y por consiguiente crímenes. ( No se moleste en buscar esos enlaces están casi apartados o censurados al igual que las búsquedas en meta-buscadores famosos para con éstas palabras : Razas Humanas ( tal vez quiso decir etnias... ).

Interesante sitio de noticias. Gracias.