Indian Creek trail killings charges announced | The Kansas City Star

ésto es lo que cuentan:
A mysterious series of apparently random killings in Kansas City, mostly committed in isolated spots along walking trails, came to an end when the killer deviated from his pattern with a brazen, execution-style shooting in broad daylight on a city street, according to Jackson County prosecutors.

The fifth and final killing came shortly after noon on Aug. 13, when 22-year-old Fredrick Demond Scott allegedly followed a man from a city bus, crept up behind him on the street and shot him in the head — before turning and getting right back on a bus.

"apparently random killings" (sic) todos blanquitos, pero era "random".. era "aleatorio"..

éste parece ser el autor:

después han encontrado ésto:

Man Suspected Of Killing 5 White Men In Kansas City: 'Kill All White People'

todos los asesinados son blancos y éste quería matar a todos los blancos, pero tranquilos, que ésto no es "racismo"..

Indian Creek trail killings charges announced | The Kansas City Star

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